the juxtaposition of art and math

Mathematics and art might seem like polar opposites, but the two fields are deeply intertwined. From the ancient Greeks to the modern-day, mathematicians and artists have collaborated to create works that reflect the beauty and complexity of the world around us. In this week's lesson, lecture and readings, we explored the insights gained by learning how mathematics has influenced art and science.

One of the key insights gained from this week's readings is the concept of higher dimensions. In "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" by Edwin Abbott, the protagonist is a two-dimensional square who learns about the existence of a third dimension. Similarly, in "The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion", we learn how artists like Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp used the concept of the fourth dimension in their work. These readings highlight how mathematicians and artists work together to create art that challenges our understanding of the world around us.

Alex Grey is a contemporary artist who uses sacred geometry in his artwork. Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are found in religious and spiritual art. Grey's artwork reflects his interest in the mystical and spiritual. One example of his use of sacred geometry is his painting "Net of Being", which features a complex web of interconnecting lines and shapes. This painting shows how the use of geometric shapes and patterns can create a sense of harmony and balance in art. Furthermore, “Net of Being” is also the cover of the band TOOL’s 2006 studio album “10,000 days”. The band TOOL is also known for their creative integration of sacred geometry and ratios into their music. Specifically, the song “Lateralus”

In addition to sacred geometry, artists and scientists have used mathematical concepts like the golden ratio, perspective, and symmetry in their work. The golden ratio is a mathematical concept that is found in nature and has been used by artists for centuries. Al-Haytham's ideas on perspective revolutionized the field of art, allowing artists to create realistic images on a two-dimensional canvas. Piero de la Francesca and DaVinci used the concept of symmetry in their paintings to create balance and harmony.

The juxtaposition of mathematics, art, and science may seem surprising, but in reality, they have always been connected. Both fields are dedicated to understanding and exploring the world around us. Math provides artists with tools to create works that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also thought-provoking. Science provides artists with insights into the natural world that can be translated into art. Art, in turn, inspires scientists to think creatively and explore new ideas.

In conclusion, this week's lesson, lecture and readings have taught us that mathematics has had a profound influence on art and science. The use of higher dimensions, sacred geometry, the golden ratio, perspective, and symmetry are just a few examples of how mathematics and art intersect. By understanding this intersection, we can appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us in new and exciting ways.


Abbott, E. A. (1884). Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.

Henderson, L. D. (1984). The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion. pp. 205-210.

Clair, Bryan. (2002) Spirits, Art, and the Fourth Dimension. 

Grey, Alex. "Alex Grey on Sacred Geometry." YouTube, uploaded by CoSM. Uploaded Jul 28, 2021. 

Who was Ibn al-Haytham?


  1. Hi Leeza! I really like how your introduction mentioned the juxtaposition between art and math, as well the amazing works of art that both can create! Furthermore, your addition of Alex Grey and their "scared geometry" artwork was very interesting. I had no idea that religious pieces could contain geometrical shapes that follow mathematical proportions. Your explanation regarding the "Net of Being" made understanding why it is so pleasing to the eye was very well-written, and allowed me to better understand how the golden ration can create "harmony" in art. Great job!


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